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I wanted to thank you for all your support during my breast cancer treatment.  I loved your creative solution for the tank tops you made for post surgery (Tender Tanks).  What a difference it made to an already uncomfortable situation.  

The ease to put on, take off, or lower to care for my surgery sites, was so convenient and also comfortable to wear.  Especially when I was not allowed to raise my arms.  When I went to my doctor's appt I felt like I was wearing the best kept secret in town.  I had so many compliments by my doctor's for it's functionality and ease of use.  Instead of puttting on the usual paper top during my appts, I just kept on my tank until the doctor came in and unstrapped the shoulders for my examination.  Even after I had my tubes removed, they were just easier to put on and take off than any other tops so that's pretty much all I wore for several months.  These were the Pink Ribbon winner in my book.  You should market these for other breast cancer patients who can benefit from your creative solution.  I cannot thank you enough.

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Last year I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  It was determined that I need to undergo a double mastectomy the following month. I was lucky enough to have friends to help me with my preparation for enduring this surgery and make what I was going to go through more livable and endurable. Carol had come up with an idea of using Velcro straps added to tank tops (Tender Tanks) to assist in dressing, undressing, being more independent, and feeling more ordinary.  She instructed me on how to remove the straps on tank tops, add Velcro or material to make the arm holes larger for my arm and drains to fit through.  It was easier to dress and undress myself.  I could move around without worrying about the shirt catching on the drainage site and painfully pulling.  This idea was a huge benefit to me!  I had great difficulty putting my arms in sleeves and wearing my everyday cloths because I had 2 drains coming out of each armpit.  The drains would pull and hurt the exposed flesh where the tubes were anchored in.  I had 4 tubes for 2 weeks and then two tubes for almost 6 more weeks.  It was difficult to get dressed in my normal clothing with hundreds of stitches, drains, muscle replacement, and a frozen shoulder. There was no way I could feel comfortable with a shirt lying and rubbing against that drain and exposed area.  The Drains have to be an extension of your arms.  I couldn’t dress comfortably with the tubing running through arm holes and snagging.  The strapped shirts made the transition much easier and comfortable.  I am so grateful that Carol had this idea and shared it with me.  My ordeal was more bearable because I used the shirts she had designed to help me.  Everyone person going through this could benefit from these innovative shirts.  I can’t imagine what I would have done without this idea!   
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I was diagnosed with breast cancer in april of 2013.  Carol was a great friend and a beacon of help during my time of need. As a breast cancer survivor she was my role model.  Amongst everything she did for me, she loaned me her shoulder Velcro tank shirts (Tender Tanks). They helped me immensely during my convalescence and medical procedures.  In fact, they were perfect.  They were comfortable, easy to put on and easy to wear during a time when all my other clothes were not usable.  I lived in the tanks for weeks after my surgery. 


I also wore these tanks throughout my multiple procedures.  They were invaluable going through chemotherapy.  The ease and comfort of these tanks made accessing my port easy for doctors and medical staff; and made it easy for me too.


Doctors, nurses, hospital staff, other cancer patients, constantly praised the tanks and asked where I had purchased this wonderful invention. 


These Velcro tanks made a very difficult and uncomfortable situation easier.

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